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Captain Slow
S2 licensed
karma sutra? has she read tat book (u sed shed read all the ones shes got), if not get her readin then ask her to teach it to you.

or you could ask her to edit the maclaren logo script. ma and you found that quite fun.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Stew2000 :I recommend a Green paint job

Quote from Btoryo :Not bad maybe a green paint job.

looks like green it is. but how about green and yellow like a pic im sure iv seen somewhere else before?
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
fill my little world right up - the feeling.

any song by the feeling reminds my of my girlfreind. so i listen to them alot. cos i looooooooooove her. tats also y i aint bin spammin much these last few month.
aston martin
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
just thought id have a go.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :I got an infraction once. It was a really drunken night, you know the story :P
Actually no I was not drunk I just got a bit carried away.

actually we both got infractions for taking the piss outta the same guy. but he did send me an abusive PM
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
taken from live for speed website:

This environment has one road and one rallycross course (plus reversed directions), situated in England's countryside.
Blackwood is known for its versatility, because it contains a bit of everything.

Captain Slow
S2 licensed
sony erricson k700i, 3rd hand, bought cheaply. cant afford anything better
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
chiken looks up and says "this thread is a load of bol****s,

1 post to go

EDIT: not 1 more post to go, rappa z slipped in.
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :I know.

oh rite. so ignore your team now, i am asking you what you think of the skin

bearing in mind i have a number plate prepered for it
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from xWolFx :Yes the number plate will go there, also for the front, would you possibly make the green follow the line of the bonnet, so that it curves wit hthe front, rather then just going straight across. Niko, please do not say anything at this stage as: one) you have no say in it at this point at all, two) it is currently still in development and three) it is up to me to decide what goes on. Thanks.

ok il make a number plate up and see if you like it. (would of had it done earlier but i been at my girlfreinds most the day havin fun )

and for niko, the font is addspeedy, the one used on lfs logo i think.
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from xWolFx :Ah, excellent, the grey looks just in place with that shade of green. Now I only ask one more favour: Remove the black stripes from the back, they dont have to join, and no stripes on the spoiler either as I am planning to have writing there. Can you also make a better OSR logo, or at least change that so it suits the car more, it looks out of place at the moment, sorry for being so harsh if I am but trying to get this done before new year.

i only put the logo there as an example, i thought possibly a number plate would go there?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from xWolFx :Thats better, could you also maybe make the stripes go over the roof also, then rejoin with the car at the rear? The green needs to be lighter then that, something like fusion racing. Also try a variant - the black to be light/dark grey.


The air intakes at the front should be black, not white.

Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
do you think mibi this guy is actually not american ust put the american flag on so he could take the piss outta americans and not get flamed?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Since there's a f*****n lot of these, why not to make a thread, that would stop that "I'm looking" spam? So, post here if you're looking a team, or just go home.

i did this in begginers section for all the noobs making "hi lfs people" threads.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
america cant make cars that turn.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from xWolFx :I have to say tha second variant is good, however, could the yellow be light gree, as that is the intended colour scheme, otherwise it looks good, I will try get a list of sponsors for you to put on if you wish.

ahh yes sorry my mistake. i must of miss read green for yellow. :S had a bit to drink yestersday lol. and some sponsors would be good unless its just the fictional lfs sponsors (hi bite, atl, injex, ect.) as i already have them logos.

EDIT: heres a preveiw with green. (il fix it in a moment)
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Danger Mouse!!!!
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
wel actually when nutty boy asked me if i wanted to join i offered to make skins and while i was bored i did start a skin for the crack. although its for xfr not xfg you can get a basic idea. il edit when i get preveiw done.

EDIT: done a preview in request colours
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
possibly to adress the situation of it being fl all the time, could something not be done so once you have been in the server for so long say, an hour (for example purposes), you got "banned" for so long but your car and money got saved? that way it would let more people use it.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Rescueing people, streetracing. There are loads of ways to make money, just be creative. I bought a custom made skin yesterday. It was ofcourse not as good as for example Teaz-R's skins, but it was good work! I bought her an xrt, because she just lost one. This way I'm happy because I've got my own skin, and she's happy because she's got an xrt.

i know about that but i mean with in clis iteslf.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
is there any other quests apart from bank robbing and playing the lottery?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
in my basement.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
and again. although i stil dont think this is a major problem. this way it gives people a chance to get in when it re opens. only way i got in the other night.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
hehe i really think there should be someway where a car must be unable to move before it is busted.